What a wild ride these last few months have been. As YOUNG AMERICAN continues to grow and evolve, we owners are working to refine our mission and align our business operations.
In particular, the experiences of the last year and input from you and our industry collaborators has lead us to really work toward creating a healthy and gratifying kitchen culture. That said, Kate, Jesse, and I have been working through a plan to implement a more staff forward kitchen. We happen to really believe in the talent and creativity within our crew at Young American so the time has come to extend the opportunity to to everyone who wants to contribute to the food and drink menu. The idea is that we work from within first and get outside support as we need it. We feel like this will only strengthen our team and continue to amplify the talented folx among us.
We’ve put together a fresh guide (above) outlining the plan for what we’re calling a “cook foward kitchen”. In this guide you’ll learn how to get started with this process in its current iteration. Feel free (as we know you will) to give constructive feedback or ask any questions via Homebase to help us fine tune this new the system.
Can’t wait to see what y’all cook up!
After reviewing the submission guide, tap the button below to begin submitting your researched recipe proposal by selecting the button below: